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Legal translations are not run-of-the-mill translations. They are translations of important, high-risk documents, such as contracts, summonses, judgments, patents, court documents, general terms and conditions and privacy statements. It is naturally essential to provide flawless translations of such legal documents as small mistakes can have significant consequences. Accuracy, specialisation and expertise are key prerequisites for an excellent legal translation. A specialised translation agency is therefore a must if you need a translation of a legal document. A professional legal translation agency that is familiar with the substance and terminology of legal documents can help you with a professional and accurate translation.

A legal translation agency as a reliable partner

In addition to being professional, you’d also like the legal translation agency to exude and inspire confidence. A translation agency should be able to understand what is important to you. You’d also like to be sure that the translation agency has the in-house expertise to provide a perfect translation of your legal documents. A specialised translation agency provides accurate translations of all kinds of legal documents that businesses use. Whether they are commercial contracts, general terms and conditions or other legal agreements, a professional translation agency has the right translator for any kind of legal document. Added to that, you’d like to be sure that the information you share is in good hands and remains confidential at every stage of the translation process. A sound translation partner has proper information and document protection in place. The content of your documents is also protected by an NDA. Those safeguards are in place between you and the agency and also between the agency and its in-house and external translators.

A translation agency that understands the importance of legal terminology

A specialised translation agency understands the importance of a correct translation of your official documents. That is why they only work with professional translators with a background in law who are familiar with the terminology. This is their profession. They are accurate and pay close attention to every tiny detail in your document. In order to safeguard the quality of the translation, the agency also works with professional revisers who have extensive experience in the legal field.

A legal translation agency strives for perfection

Within a specialised legal translation agency, the entire process of providing a perfect translation is assured because:

  • specialised translators are familiar with the provision of your services;
  • specialised translators compile and keep specific terminology within your specific legal area;
  • specialised translators strive for perfection and adhere to the highest level of excellence, and
  • specialised translators use modern tools to accelerate and simplify your processes.

A legal translation agency adapts to the dynamics of your company

It is also important that a specialised legal translation agency is flexible, consistent and quick to react. They have an extensive network of specialists at their disposal who can immediately get to work; tight deadlines or deliveries within 24 hours are therefore no problem. A legal translation agency always compiles a special team that has the right skills, experience and competences to deliver the right translations within your sector. Would you like to know how we can be of assistance to you? Feel free to contact us for more information.

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