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Translating CSR statements

Does your company have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? Then you are not only concerned with realising profit, but also how to do this with the least possible adverse impact on the environment (planet). In addition, the human aspects of your operations are considered highly important. Not only within your company, but also outside it (people). When these three elements (Triple P: people, planet, profit) are balanced, it is not only good for the company, but also for society!

The CSR statement

The main purpose of a CSR statement is to increase the transparency of corporate activities. On the one hand, the report allows the company to measure the impact of their activities on the environment, society and the economy. On the other hand, it allows the company to communicate with external stakeholders about their sustainable development and CSR goals. The Global Reporting Initiative defines the CSR statement as follows: “A sustainability report is a report published by a company or organisation about the economic, environmental and social impacts caused by its everyday activities. A sustainability report also presents the organisation’s values and governance model, and demonstrates the link between its strategy and its commitment to a sustainable global economy.”

The standards for the CSR statement

Several standards can be followed when preparing the CSR statement:

  • ISO 26000
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)

Transparency Benchmark

The government promotes the importance of transparency among Dutch companies about their activities and policies on social issues. For example, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has the Transparency Benchmark conducted every two years. This is a survey of the transparency of CSR reporting among the approximately 500 largest companies. As a result, participants learn more about the criteria for social reporting. They also gain insight into improvement opportunities and see how they score in comparison to other organisations.

SMEs and CSR

For the SME accountant, the NBA has developed a tool that can be used to advise clients on CSR. See the Corporate Social Responsibility brochure: in Dutch or in English.

Translation of the CSR statement

Many companies also publish a translation of their CSR statement. When translating a CSR statement, it is important that the translator is well aware of the standards followed and the terminology used in them. In fact, there are many standards that should be consulted when translating a CSR statement. A specialised translation agency can help you do this because:

  • It is aware of the background of your translation request;
  • It has the right translator for every job;
  • It ensures that your text comes across well to the international reader.

Do you need advice on translating your CSR statement? Please feel free to contact us.

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