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Translation agency for lawyers

Law firms often need legal translations. They require translations of a wide range of documents. This is not only due to the varied work of lawyers but also to the different types of documents required for that work. For example, court documents, agreements, employment contracts, general terms and conditions, privacy statements, judgments and patent applications.

Translating court documents

A legal case turns on good arguments. Extensive statements of case and exhibits are often exchanged before a lawyer represents his or her client in the courtroom. And lawyers draft written summaries of their oral arguments to keep a good overview of their case. Legal translation agency Fiducia is your go-to company for dependable translations of those legal documents, whether they are a bailiff’s notification, a statement of defence or an official court record.

Translating contracts and agreements

An employment contract is a good example of an agreement that frequently has to be translated. An employment contract contains the written arrangements between an employer and an employee. If one of the parties does not speak Dutch, a translation may be required. Such an agreement reduces the liability risk for the employer and ensures that the employee duly complies with the rules and instructions. This requires a meticulous and precise translation by an experienced legal translator who specialises in legal documents. If you need a translation of an employment contract, make sure you use the services of a specialist legal translation agency.

Translations of general terms and conditions and privacy statements

General terms and conditions and privacy statements play a key role in the formation of an agreement between companies and consumers. It is therefore of vital importance to have clearly written texts that reduce the risk of misinterpretation to a minimum. If such texts are translated, you must therefore ensure that the translation is equally precise. The translation should result in an accurate text that does have legal consequences. We therefore highly recommend using a translation agency with legal expertise. They know the terminology that has to be used in producing an accurate translation of general terms and conditions or a privacy statement.

Translating judgments

A judgment is an extremely important document that is prepared during or after court proceedings and that contains a binding decision of the court. If an interlocutory judgment, partial judgment or final judgment has to be translated, it is important to use the services of professional and expert translators. The fact is that the translation of a judgment must mirror the original document as the parties must comply with the binding decision contained in it. Foreign parties moreover base their follow-up actions on the translation of such a judgment; an accurate and clearly-phrased translation is therefore essential. An experienced legal translator is capable of producing an exacting translation of the text thanks to his or her knowledge of the underlying legislative texts.

Translating patent applications

If an international patent application has to be filed for a Dutch invention, it will in most cases need to be translated. Such a translation must of course be extremely accurate and precise to protect a patent against legal infringements by third parties. In most cases, a patent will need to be translated into the language of the country in which the patent application is filed. This requires knowledge and affinity with the language area, but also technical know-how to properly understand the patent claims. The translator must be rigorously consistent to properly reflect the exact intention of the inventor. A specialised legal translation agency that understands the importance of an accurately translated patent application and has close links with the target area is therefore important.

Why opt for a specialised legal translation agency?

You can use the services of legal translation agency Fiducia for all kinds of legal documents, whether they are general terms and conditions, privacy statements, judgments, patent applications, employment contracts or other legal documents. We have in-house specialists with extensive experience in your practice area. A proper understanding of the complexity of this kind of translation requires many years of experience. An experienced translator is familiar with the terminology and knows which translation is right in which context. At translation agency Fiducia, we like to take care of everything. We not only do so by providing professional services, but also by offering the following:

  • We provide a secure portal where your documents are safe. This moreover provides a clear overview of all the translation assignments you have requested.
  • We provide dedicated project managers who offer swift and professional services.
  • We provide you with access to advanced and high-quality translation tools that ensure consistency, speed and confidentiality.

Would you like to know more about our experience with legal translations? Or would you like to know what we can do for you? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to explain how translation agency Fiducia can be of service to you.

Fiducia's promise

  • Specialists with specialist knowledge
  • Effective, fast and reliable
  • Specialised native speakers

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